Model Foundry

An Industrialized process to develop AI/ML models at scale, designed for Lending and Banking industry.

Discover the transformative potential of machine learning: streamline your model development from months to weeks with our agile building blocks and pre-built model recipes. Experience accelerated innovation – get started today!

Start Building world class Risk models today

We're democratizing model development by providing accessible tools and resources, empowering citizen data scientists at every level of your organization to innovate and drive insights. With our user-friendly platform, individuals across teams can actively contribute to data-driven decision-making, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.
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No Code Model Foundry

Transform Your Model Development: Visualize, Engineer, and Enhance Features to Craft Cutting-Edge Risk and Marketing Models in Days, Not Months.
Accelerate Deployment to Production Within Days, Not Quarters.

Accelerated AI/ML Recipes

Unlock Pre-Packaged Model Recipes Tailored to Your Needs.

For Risk Assessment: Craft Probability of Default Models, Risk based pricing, Collections, and many more.

For Marketing Initiatives, Utilize Lookalike Customer Models and Lead Scoring for Enhanced Targeting and Campaign Success.

Automated Compliance and Model Reports

Ensure Compliance Effortlessly: Our Platform Generates Out-of-the-Box Compliance and Model Reports, Guaranteeing Full Adherence to Model Risk Policies Throughout the Development Process.

Model Hub

Bring Your Own Model or Select from Hundreds of Pre-Trained Options to enhance your custom models.
Speed Up Experimentation and Save Time with Solutions from Leading Providers like Hugging Face, AWS, Azure, GCP, and OpenAI.

Elevate Your ML/AI Journey in Fintech

Explore Our Model Foundry and Harness the Power of Time-Tested Pre-Built Recipes and Compute Blocks, especially designed for credit risk management and fraud detection.
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Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help?

We specialize in resolving fraud and risk challenges with our deep expertise. Schedule a complimentary discovery call today to explore how we can help safeguard and scale your business.
Contact Us
What is Model Foundry, and how does it differ from other model development platforms?

Model Foundry is at the forefront of revolutionizing risk management by simplifying and accelerating the development of machine learning models. What distinguishes Model Foundry is its user-friendly interface, vast repository of pre-built risk models and components, and powerful customization capabilities. These features not only cater to seasoned risk analysts but also empower newcomers in the field of data science, ensuring efficient and effective risk management solutions for all levels of expertise.

How can Model Foundry help streamline the model development process?

Model Foundry offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features aimed at accelerating the model development lifecycle. With its pre-built recipes and compute blocks, users can quickly assemble and deploy sophisticated models without starting from scratch. Additionally, the platform's user-friendly interface and seamless integration with popular machine learning frameworks ensure a smooth and efficient development process.

Can I customize or tailor risk management models within Model Foundry to suit the specific needs of my fintech business?

Absolutely! Model Foundry is designed to empower fintech businesses in customizing risk management models to align with their unique requirements. With our platform, you have the flexibility to fine-tune existing risk models or develop entirely new ones from scratch, catering precisely to your business's risk assessment and mitigation strategies. Whether it's incorporating proprietary data sources, adjusting model parameters, or integrating industry-specific risk factors, Model Foundry provides the tools and capabilities to tailor risk management solutions that best fit your fintech organization's needs.

Is Model Foundry suitable for both experienced data scientists and those new to machine learning?

Yes, Model Foundry caters to a wide range of users, from seasoned data scientists to beginners in the field of machine learning. For experienced professionals, the platform offers advanced customization options and access to powerful tools for model development. At the same time, beginners can leverage Model Foundry's intuitive interface and extensive documentation to quickly get up to speed and start building models with confidence.

What kind of support and resources does Model Foundry offer for users?

Model Foundry is committed to providing comprehensive support and resources to its users. This includes extensive documentation, tutorials, and video guides to help users navigate the platform and maximize its capabilities. Additionally, our dedicated support team is available to assist with any questions or issues that may arise, ensuring a smooth and productive experience for all users.